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Admin: delete entry Julie Ann whitedove07 [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk http://  04/18/2007   07:50 AM Date
Message Dear Mike,
I have just finished reading your book. I have been deeply moved by your experiences and the way you have displayed in a marvellous way the fruitage of the spirit of love, joy, peace, long suffering, goodness, kindness in all your dealings. May you have much happiness. You have touched my life for the better and I thank you from the heart for sharing that with me through your book.

Best wishes to your wife Ann and your children

Much appreciation from

Julie Ann from Wigan, Lancashire a town in the Northwest in England

Admin: delete entry Julie Ann whitedove07 [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk http://  04/18/2007   07:47 AM Date
Message Dear Mike,
I have just finished reading your book. I have been deeply moved by your experiences and the way you have displayed in a marvellous way the fruitage of the sprit of love, joy, peace, long suffering goodness, kindness in all your dealings. May you have much happiness. You have touched my life for the better and I thank you from the heart for sharing that with me though your book.

Best wishes to your wife Ann and your children

Much appreciation from

Julie Ann from Wigan, Lancashire a town in the Northwest in England

Admin: delete entry Thomas Lewis tlewis07 [at] cfl [dot] rr [dot] com http://  04/02/2007   12:51 PM Date
Message Hi Mike and Ann Its Tom in Palmcoast,Hope all is well,you guys will always be in my heart, Cool

Admin: delete entry Mark Hanson (Wood County Ohio Chapter) woodcountycop4christ [at] yahoo [dot] com http://WWW.COP4CHRIST.ORG  02/26/2007   12:37 PM Date
Message Hey Mike,
The Lord has been stirring my heart lately. I just set up a website for our CFC chapter, check it out when you get a chance (WWW.COPS4CHRIST.ORG). We've got a guy who had been going through some tough times, he read your book which really helped him. He's walking strong with the Lord now! God bless! Mark

Admin: delete entry Richie Smith RJE6 [at] AOL [dot] COM http://  02/08/2007   10:36 PM Date
Message Mike it was great speaking with you on 2/8/07.Thank you for your thoughful prayers, hope to see you in April. Richie Smith Ret/White Plains Poilce Department.

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