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Admin: delete entry Ann DiSanza anndi [at] acopforchrist [dot] com http://  02/14/2013   02:12 PM Date
Message SmileThe order form for the books is now working...so get your orders in....

Admin: delete entry Ann DiSanzaa anndi2848 [at] yahoo [dot] com http://  12/07/2012   04:45 PM Date
Message our mailing address to order the books is:

Mike DiSanza
Cops for Christ
960 S. US Highway 41
Inverness, FL 34450

Admin: delete entry Ann DiSanza anndi2848 [at] yahoo [dot] com http://  12/07/2012   04:44 PM Date
Message Unfortunately the order form for "A Cop for christ" isn't working. If you would like to place an order, They are $10 each plus $3.00S&H or $5.50 Priority mail within the US.

Admin: delete entry Mrs. SantaMaria Michijoesm [at] yahoo [dot] com http://  11/19/2012   12:01 AM Date
Message Dear Ofc. DiSanza,
The Lord put your witness and testimony on my mind which I remembered from Christian radio WWDJ in NY, especially when my mother used to talk about you. I would like to know if you will have an eBook or Kindle book available? since it would reach many of the youth with your message.

Admin: delete entry ikpi igbi482 [at] yahoo [dot] com http://  09/03/2012   09:19 PM Date
Message I was looking to download a cop for christ.

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